PA× stands for Performing Arts Multiplied. With the focus on contemporary dance we create tourable black-box
performances as well as site-specific pieces for children and adults. PA×' work is characterised by a strong
physicality and belief in the expressiveness of movement. Our aim is to create life transforming experiences!
Mainly we work in international collaborations, intercultural dialogue and in close collaboration between art

PA× was founded 2016 in Gothenburg, Sweden, by Kyrie Oda and Love Hellgren. They act as artistic
directors and choreographers for the most of our performances. Our work has been shown in Mexico, United
Kingdom, Lithuania, Japan and Norway. We are always open for collaborations with other organisations, places
and artists, do not hesitate to contact us!




Age: 3+

Duration: 35min (including 15min workshop)

Audience Size:


2:1 is a playful dance performance. With dance as the main expression we delve into questions like: How can two
become one, and one become two? We follow the dance through birth, how we discover the world, find our relation
to other people and finally create something together
Can be performed almost anywhere! Performance is without speech.
WORKSHOP (optional)
Before the performance we try to shape our bodies into different objects, situations, qualities and we dance together.
Afterwards we have a reflective conversation, dance together some more and finally a moment of relaxation. This
can be delivered in English or with translation.

Golden Thread and Broken Pot

Age: 3-9

Duration: 35min

Audience Size:


In this dance theatre piece we follow two characters that live on one side each of a big wall. One is
looking for a family and the other is looking for a home. Can they help each other to find what they are
looking for?
The story is inspired by kintsugi and its symbolism. Kintsugi is a Japanese concept about mending
broken porcelain by gluing it together with gold. By being filled with gold the cracks themselves become
the most valuable. This thought we apply on other situations, and the cracks between us and inside
ourselves. In what can seem like a mistake, there is always the seed for something new to be


Age: 12+

Duration: 45min

Audience Size:


DAG is a contemporary dance duet inspired by Dag Hammarskjöld's writing Markings.
Non-verbally the audience experience Hammarskjöld's texts through movement and music. The ambition is a sensuous,
bodily, emotional and existential experience. Listen with the entire skin, breath together, invisible becomes visible.
In the point of rest at the center of our being, we encounter a world where all things are at rest in the same way.
Then a tree becomes a mystery, a cloud a revelation, each man a cosmos of whose riches we can only catch glimpses.
The life of simplicity is simple, but it opens to us a book in which we never get beyond the first syllable.
Dag Hammarskjöld 4.8.59