
the company

The OperakataTheater Company has eleven years of uninterrupted work, it’s formed by actors from Vitória da Conquista-Bahia and it is directed and founded by Gilsergio Botelho.Since 2003 the company is engaged in continuous research and experimentation of the most diverse forms of scenic languages, exploring empirically the potentialities os the actor/creator with the aim of bringing provocations to the stage and, thus, to displace the public from its known territory, making an invitation to the public to revisit and potentiate their own lifes. During its career, the Operakata Theater
Company working on a group basis, has built nine original plays in its repertoire and has been establishing a line of

thinking and it own way of making and debate theater in a genuine way. Along the journey of creative theatrical processes, artistic activities and stage productions, the company has been winning prizes and participating in International Festivals, such as Teatro Palcoe RuaInter national Festival (FIT/BH-2012), the International Festival of Performing Arts of Bahia (FIAC/2013), Mostra do Teatro Baiano at FRINGE (PR/2014) and the Brazilian Theater Festival (FTB/2014) with presentations in SãoPaulo (SP)and Vitória (ES). In 2015, Soleilnildo’s Circus was nominated for the Brasken Theater Prize as the Best Play in the interior of Bahia.

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O Circo De Soleinildo



Audience Size:

Somewhere in the interior of brazilian backwoods, Soleinildo and his three canvas companions travel in search of an audience, increasingly scarce, for their circus of illusions. Unlike contemporary trends, Soleinildo’s Circus still maintains its traditionsof simple and even “naive” acts. However, the difficulty of attracting the public brings up a question: must they proceed with the same principles of this millenarian art left by its ancestors or should they adhere to the new technologies andchanges of the modern world?




Audience Size:

Two women share the same space. The first; an old woman who is one more mother and who will be one more grandmother. The second, a young woman who is one more daughter and who will be one more mother. Both constitute and conduct themselves in the present by the desire of what is expected of them: a prosperous and already established future for him, the son, the grandson.